Wednesday, January 28, 2009

1/31/09 Byron Center Invitational

Varsity Tournament / Team Format (4 matches total)
Bus will leave Hamilton at 7:30 am. Be at the Trestle for Breakfast by 6:30 am. Wrestling will begin at 9:00 am.
Participating teams are: Byron Center, Jenison, Kent City, Kellogsville, Ottawa Hills, Belding, West Ottawa "B" and Hamilton. We will wrestle in a pool of 4 with a crossover match.
Map to Byron Center
Results: Hamilton Places 3rd at Byron Center Invitational
Hamilton 58 Kelloggsville 18
Hamilton 66 Ottawa Hills 13
Jenison 38 Hamilton 27
Hamilton 54 Belding 13
Undefeated wrestlers: Michael Schoeppe, Brandt Welcher, Corey Schrotenboer, and Kirk Boerman

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