Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Zeeland Inv. and JV Lakewood Inv

December 5
Varsity will be wrestling at Zeeland West High School at 9 am
Bus for Zeeland will leave at 7:30 am
JV will be wrestling at Lakewood High School in Lake Odessa at 9 am
Bus for Lakewood will be leaving at 7:00 am
Map to Lakewood High School
*Each wrestler must have their own transportation home from the meet on Saturday. A form is being sent home and must be filled out if your son needs to ride home with another family. Please return to Coach Stoel on Friday.


Anonymous said...

I will need some one to Give Brad Fales a ride home from Lakewood please I have to work this Sat 12hrs so any help will be appreciated thanks

Gregg Stoel said...

We will work on making arrangements today. I will send home a form to be completed for him to ride with someone else. He will need to bring that with him on Saturday.

Alec said...

Any guesses of approximate times to be done? I have to send someone to pick up Alec if it runs too late due to a work Christmas party.