Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Hawkeyes Place 2nd at Kraai Invitational

Scores: Hamilton 75 Muskegon 6, Hamilton 56 Martin 24, Hamilton 48 Wayland 28, West Ottawa 30 over Hamilton 30 *8th tiebreaker used
Varsity at Zeeland West High School
- Map
Bus Leaves at 7:30 am from the High School
Wrestling begins at 9:30 am
JV at Lakewood High School - Map
Undefeated wrestlers: Cody Hassevoort and Ross VanderJagt
Bus leaves at 6:30 am from the High School
Wrestling begins at 8:30 am
*reminder that transportation will be provide to the event, but not home. Please make arrangements for a ride home if you are unable to attend.

1 comment:

Rachael said...

Thank-you for coming to the Gene Kraai Invitational :) I am Gene Kraai's oldest Daughter and it was a pleasure to watch your team again this year. Congrats on 2nd place!! See you all next year!